2 results found
City / Area:Liberec / Technické muzeum Liberec [ Off-Airport ]
Collection:Liberec Technical Museum
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
Photo ID:550209Submit Correction
View count: 959
Shortly after the end of WWII, the Military Vocational School for Aviation Mechanics (VOŠLM) was established in Liberec. The designers came up with the BAK-01, which set a world record in the H category at the time (1948 (1949?)) with a performance of 252 km/h. After VOŠLM moved to Slovakia the project was shelved and BAK-01 stored. In 1969 the plane was acquired by VHU, the Czech Institute for Military History (the agency that runs (amongst others) the museum at Kbely). Upon restoration, it was placed on display at Kbely but in 2017 moved to the excellent Liberec Technical Museum.
Registration / Serial:BAK-01
Aircraft Version:VOSLM BAK-01
C/n (msn):1
Operator Titles:Czechoslovakia - Air Force
City / Area:Liberec / Technické muzeum Liberec [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
City / Area:Liberec / Technické muzeum Liberec [ Off-Airport ]
Collection:Liberec Technical Museum
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
Photo ID:550209Submit Correction
View count: 959
Shortly after the end of WWII, the Military Vocational School for Aviation Mechanics (VOŠLM) was established in Liberec. The designers came up with the BAK-01, which set a world record in the H category at the time (1948 (1949?)) with a performance of 252 km/h. After VOŠLM moved to Slovakia the project was shelved and BAK-01 stored. In 1969 the plane was acquired by VHU, the Czech Institute for Military History (the agency that runs (amongst others) the museum at Kbely). Upon restoration, it was placed on display at Kbely but in 2017 moved to the excellent Liberec Technical Museum.
Registration / Serial:BAK-01
Aircraft Version:VOSLM BAK-01
C/n (msn):1
Operator Titles:Czechoslovakia - Air Force
City / Area:Liberec / Technické muzeum Liberec [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
City / Airport:Prague - Kbely (LKKB)Map
Collection:Letecké Muzeum Kbely
Photo Date:12 May 2016
Photo by:Juhani SipiläContact
Photo ID:232624Submit Correction
View count: 276
VOSLM means Vojenská odborná škola leteckých mechaniků (Military Technical School of Aviation Mechanics). [Olympus PEN E-PL2 + M.Zuico 14-42mm]
Registration / Serial:BAK-01
Aircraft Version:VOSLM BAK-01
C/n (msn):1
Operator Titles:Czechoslovakia - Air Force
City / Airport:Prague - Kbely (LKKB)Map
Photo Date:12 May 2016
Photo by:Juhani SipiläContact
City / Airport:Prague - Kbely (LKKB)Map
Collection:Letecké Muzeum Kbely
Photo Date:12 May 2016
Photo by:Juhani SipiläContact
Photo ID:232624Submit Correction
View count: 276
VOSLM means Vojenská odborná škola leteckých mechaniků (Military Technical School of Aviation Mechanics). [Olympus PEN E-PL2 + M.Zuico 14-42mm]
Registration / Serial:BAK-01
Aircraft Version:VOSLM BAK-01
C/n (msn):1
Operator Titles:Czechoslovakia - Air Force
City / Airport:Prague - Kbely (LKKB)Map
Photo Date:12 May 2016
Photo by:Juhani SipiläContact