2 results found
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:6 January 2005
Photo from:Erik Frikke CollectionContact
Photo ID:609955Submit Correction
View count: 271
Photo: Reika. Parked between two other Afghan Mi-8
Registration / Serial:607
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8MTV
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:6 January 2005
Photo from:Erik Frikke CollectionContact
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:6 January 2005
Photo from:Erik Frikke CollectionContact
Photo ID:609955Submit Correction
View count: 271
Photo: Reika. Parked between two other Afghan Mi-8
Registration / Serial:607
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8MTV
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:6 January 2005
Photo from:Erik Frikke CollectionContact
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:November 2005 to December 2005
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:140341Submit Correction
View count: 2049
This is an exceptional Mi-8 of the Afghan National Army - Air Corps (ANA-AC). It could be a Mi-17 type as it construction number started with 930001. Or is most probably a former Tajikistan Air Force Mi-8 that was acquired by CIA operatives in 2001 for secretive Special Operations Group (CIA SOG) over the war-torn Afghanistan. 607 was heavily used in Northern Afghanistan but probably not used since late 2004. It was parked at the Kabul platform, but a friendly ANA-AC military was willing to partly remove the cover from its cockpit just for my picture.
Registration / Serial:607
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8MTV
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:November 2005 to December 2005
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:November 2005 to December 2005
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:140341Submit Correction
View count: 2049
This is an exceptional Mi-8 of the Afghan National Army - Air Corps (ANA-AC). It could be a Mi-17 type as it construction number started with 930001. Or is most probably a former Tajikistan Air Force Mi-8 that was acquired by CIA operatives in 2001 for secretive Special Operations Group (CIA SOG) over the war-torn Afghanistan. 607 was heavily used in Northern Afghanistan but probably not used since late 2004. It was parked at the Kabul platform, but a friendly ANA-AC military was willing to partly remove the cover from its cockpit just for my picture.
Registration / Serial:607
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8MTV
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:November 2005 to December 2005
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact