3 results found
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:320684Submit Correction
View count: 564
Antonov 32 of the Fixed Wing of the then Afghan National Army - Air Corps. The 342 was delivered to the ANA-AC in April 1991 in a green/brown colour scheme. Late 2004 the aircraft was overhauled at Ivanovo-Severny (Russia) and redelivered to Afghanistan early 2005 in this boring overall grey colour scheme. The aircraft only continued operations for a few years as it was withdrawn from use in 2011. It was scrapped (unconfirmed) at Kabul in 2012.
Registration / Serial:342
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-32B
C/n (msn):2608
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:320684Submit Correction
View count: 564
Antonov 32 of the Fixed Wing of the then Afghan National Army - Air Corps. The 342 was delivered to the ANA-AC in April 1991 in a green/brown colour scheme. Late 2004 the aircraft was overhauled at Ivanovo-Severny (Russia) and redelivered to Afghanistan early 2005 in this boring overall grey colour scheme. The aircraft only continued operations for a few years as it was withdrawn from use in 2011. It was scrapped (unconfirmed) at Kabul in 2012.
Registration / Serial:342
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-32B
C/n (msn):2608
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Airport:Kandahar (OAKN / KDH)Map
Photo Date:3 February 2010
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:166684Submit Correction
View count: 349
An Afghan National Army - Air Corps An-32B seen during an overshoot over homebase Kadahar airfield. The aircraft was delivered in April 1991 to Afghanistan and was withdrawn from use as per June 2011, it's current fate is unknown.
Registration / Serial:342
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-32A
C/n (msn):2608
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kandahar (OAKN / KDH)Map
Photo Date:3 February 2010
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Airport:Kandahar (OAKN / KDH)Map
Photo Date:3 February 2010
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:166684Submit Correction
View count: 349
An Afghan National Army - Air Corps An-32B seen during an overshoot over homebase Kadahar airfield. The aircraft was delivered in April 1991 to Afghanistan and was withdrawn from use as per June 2011, it's current fate is unknown.
Registration / Serial:342
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-32A
C/n (msn):2608
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kandahar (OAKN / KDH)Map
Photo Date:3 February 2010
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:154075Submit Correction
View count: 491
Antonov 32 of the Fixed Wing of the then Afghan National Army - Air Corps. The 342 was delivered to the ANA-AC in April 1991 in a green/brown colour scheme. Late 2004 the aircraft was overhauled at Ivanovo-Severny (Russia) and redelivered to Afghanistan early 2005 in this boring overall grey colour scheme. The aircraft only continued operations for a few years as it was withdrawn from use in 2011. It was scrapped (unconfirmed) at Kabul in 2012.
Registration / Serial:342
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-32B
C/n (msn):2608
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:154075Submit Correction
View count: 491
Antonov 32 of the Fixed Wing of the then Afghan National Army - Air Corps. The 342 was delivered to the ANA-AC in April 1991 in a green/brown colour scheme. Late 2004 the aircraft was overhauled at Ivanovo-Severny (Russia) and redelivered to Afghanistan early 2005 in this boring overall grey colour scheme. The aircraft only continued operations for a few years as it was withdrawn from use in 2011. It was scrapped (unconfirmed) at Kabul in 2012.
Registration / Serial:342
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-32B
C/n (msn):2608
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Airport:Kabul - Hamid Karzai International (OAKB / KBL)Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact