City / Airport:Palma de Mallorca (LEPA / LESJ / PMI)Map
Photo Date:2 June 2002
Photo by:Toni MarimónContact
Photo ID:244285Submit Correction
View count: 178
Almost invisible in the tail is the inscription "Paparra": Catalan word for tick as the I-115s were popularly known as "Garrapata" in Spanish due to their difficulty being pulled off the ground.
Registration / Serial:EC-DEO
Alternate Serial:E.9-194
Aircraft Version:AISA 1-115
C/n (msn):194
City / Airport:Palma de Mallorca (LEPA / LESJ / PMI)Map
Photo Date:2 June 2002
Photo by:Toni MarimónContact
City / Airport:Palma de Mallorca (LEPA / LESJ / PMI)Map
Photo Date:2 June 2002
Photo by:Toni MarimónContact
Photo ID:244285Submit Correction
View count: 178
Almost invisible in the tail is the inscription "Paparra": Catalan word for tick as the I-115s were popularly known as "Garrapata" in Spanish due to their difficulty being pulled off the ground.
Registration / Serial:EC-DEO
Alternate Serial:E.9-194
Aircraft Version:AISA 1-115
C/n (msn):194
City / Airport:Palma de Mallorca (LEPA / LESJ / PMI)Map
Photo Date:2 June 2002
Photo by:Toni MarimónContact