2 results found
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:21 March 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact
Photo ID:365205Submit Correction
View count: 1298
This aircraft was delivered in late 1989, damaged and stored at MGA until 1996, it went to Omskavia as RA-85830 in 1987. It later served as EP-HMS with Iran Airtours and Mahan Air, before being registered as EP-EAJ. It was broken up at Novosbirisk in 2011.
Registration / Serial:YN-CBT
Aircraft Version:Tupolev Tu-154M
C/n (msn):89A821
Display Paint:Aeronica
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:21 March 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:21 March 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact
Photo ID:365205Submit Correction
View count: 1298
This aircraft was delivered in late 1989, damaged and stored at MGA until 1996, it went to Omskavia as RA-85830 in 1987. It later served as EP-HMS with Iran Airtours and Mahan Air, before being registered as EP-EAJ. It was broken up at Novosbirisk in 2011.
Registration / Serial:YN-CBT
Aircraft Version:Tupolev Tu-154M
C/n (msn):89A821
Display Paint:Aeronica
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:21 March 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:25 May 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact
Photo ID:261729Submit Correction
View count: 1636
This aircraft was delivered in late 1989, damaged and stored at MGA until 1996, it went to Omskavia as RA-85830 in 1987. It later served as EP-HMS with Iran Airtours and Mahan Air, before being registered as EP-EAJ. It was broken up at Novosbirisk in 2011.
Registration / Serial:YN-CBT
Aircraft Version:Tupolev Tu-154M
C/n (msn):89A821
Display Paint:Aeronica
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:25 May 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:25 May 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact
Photo ID:261729Submit Correction
View count: 1636
This aircraft was delivered in late 1989, damaged and stored at MGA until 1996, it went to Omskavia as RA-85830 in 1987. It later served as EP-HMS with Iran Airtours and Mahan Air, before being registered as EP-EAJ. It was broken up at Novosbirisk in 2011.
Registration / Serial:YN-CBT
Aircraft Version:Tupolev Tu-154M
C/n (msn):89A821
Display Paint:Aeronica
City / Airport:Managua - Agusto C Sandino International (MNMG / MGA)Map
Photo Date:25 May 1990
Photo by:Derek GaynorContact