City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:321446Submit Correction
View count: 1867
Some hour drive from Kabul, a real massive scrapyard of the Afghan Army was found. Only few sandy path' were cleared from land-mines, so I couldn't reach these two Il-28s and a nose section of an Antonov that once served the Afghan air force. This picture was made with some 300mm, to indicate the huge dimensions of the scrapyard.
Registration / Serial:No Reg
Aircraft Version:Ilyushin Il-28
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:321446Submit Correction
View count: 1867
Some hour drive from Kabul, a real massive scrapyard of the Afghan Army was found. Only few sandy path' were cleared from land-mines, so I couldn't reach these two Il-28s and a nose section of an Antonov that once served the Afghan air force. This picture was made with some 300mm, to indicate the huge dimensions of the scrapyard.
Registration / Serial:No Reg
Aircraft Version:Ilyushin Il-28
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact