2 results found
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:321447Submit Correction
View count: 488
Some hour drive from Kabul, a real massive scrapyard of the Afghan Army was found. Only a few sandy paths were cleared from land mines, so only a few wrecks could be approached. Among them these two Mi-35s (113 and 64) that once served the Afghan air force. It is unknown what happened to these Hinds, maybe they crashed, maybe they were destroyed somewhere on the ground during the war.
Registration / Serial:113
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-35
C/n (msn):520970
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:321447Submit Correction
View count: 488
Some hour drive from Kabul, a real massive scrapyard of the Afghan Army was found. Only a few sandy paths were cleared from land mines, so only a few wrecks could be approached. Among them these two Mi-35s (113 and 64) that once served the Afghan air force. It is unknown what happened to these Hinds, maybe they crashed, maybe they were destroyed somewhere on the ground during the war.
Registration / Serial:113
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-35
C/n (msn):520970
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:321444Submit Correction
View count: 394
Some hour drive from Kabul, a real massive scrapyard of the Afghan Army was found. Only a few sandy paths were cleared from land mines, so only a few wrecks could be approached. Among them this Mi-35 that once served the Afghan air force. It is unknown what happened to this Hind, maybe it crashed, maybe it was destroyed somewhere on the ground during the war.
Registration / Serial:113
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-35
C/n (msn):520970
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact
Photo ID:321444Submit Correction
View count: 394
Some hour drive from Kabul, a real massive scrapyard of the Afghan Army was found. Only a few sandy paths were cleared from land mines, so only a few wrecks could be approached. Among them this Mi-35 that once served the Afghan air force. It is unknown what happened to this Hind, maybe it crashed, maybe it was destroyed somewhere on the ground during the war.
Registration / Serial:113
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-35
C/n (msn):520970
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Area:Pul-e-Charkhi / Scrapyard [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de BruijnContact