2 results found
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:July 1927
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:365768Submit Correction
View count: 662
The deadliness of the Dole Air Race was caused not only by the dangers of flying to Hawaii, but also by the participation of hurriedly built, barely tested aircraft. Most were conventional enough in configuration, but the M-1 by Leland Bryant, an architect, was a push-pull with two Bristol Lucifer engines and side-by-side seating by the looks of it. It was built here at Vail Field near LA - note the Douglas M-2 mailplane of Western Air Express. The photo is thought to have been taken in July 1927. On 12 August, four days before the postponed start of the race, the M-1, named Angel of Los Angeles, crashed on a test flight. The British pilot, Arthur Rogers, was killed. Photo from: San Diego Air & Space Museum
Registration / Serial:NX705
Alternate Registration:X705
Aircraft Version:Bryant M-1
C/n (msn):
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:July 1927
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:July 1927
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:365768Submit Correction
View count: 662
The deadliness of the Dole Air Race was caused not only by the dangers of flying to Hawaii, but also by the participation of hurriedly built, barely tested aircraft. Most were conventional enough in configuration, but the M-1 by Leland Bryant, an architect, was a push-pull with two Bristol Lucifer engines and side-by-side seating by the looks of it. It was built here at Vail Field near LA - note the Douglas M-2 mailplane of Western Air Express. The photo is thought to have been taken in July 1927. On 12 August, four days before the postponed start of the race, the M-1, named Angel of Los Angeles, crashed on a test flight. The British pilot, Arthur Rogers, was killed. Photo from: San Diego Air & Space Museum
Registration / Serial:NX705
Alternate Registration:X705
Aircraft Version:Bryant M-1
C/n (msn):
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:July 1927
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Registration / Serial:42-11715
Alternate Serial:211715
Military Code:406
Aircraft Original Type:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
Aircraft Generic Type:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
Aircraft Version:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
C/n (msn):[ 42-11715 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:17 May 1946
Photo by:William T. Larkins (Bill Larkins)
Photo ID:51813Submit Correction
View count: 474
Surplus at Vail Field, California. These were also license-built by Bellanca and Douglas for the war training effort, but this is a Fairchild-built example.
Registration / Serial:42-11715
Alternate Serial:211715
Aircraft Version:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
C/n (msn):[ 42-11715 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:17 May 1946
Photo by:William T. Larkins (Bill Larkins)
Registration / Serial:42-11715
Alternate Serial:211715
Military Code:406
Aircraft Original Type:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
Aircraft Generic Type:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
Aircraft Version:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
C/n (msn):[ 42-11715 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:17 May 1946
Photo by:William T. Larkins (Bill Larkins)
Photo ID:51813Submit Correction
View count: 474
Surplus at Vail Field, California. These were also license-built by Bellanca and Douglas for the war training effort, but this is a Fairchild-built example.
Registration / Serial:42-11715
Alternate Serial:211715
Aircraft Version:Fairchild AT-21 Gunner
C/n (msn):[ 42-11715 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Montebello - Vail Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:17 May 1946
Photo by:William T. Larkins (Bill Larkins)