5 results found
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:638183Submit Correction
View count: 265
Delivered to the US Navy on 27 June 1968. Assigned to VA-122, VA-215, VA-125, VA-153, VA-303, and VA-204. Transferred to MASDC on 17 October 1983. Transferred to Holloman AFB on 11 April 2005 to be used as a range target.
Registration / Serial:154448
Alternate Serial:4448
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7B Corsair II
C/n (msn):B88
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:638183Submit Correction
View count: 265
Delivered to the US Navy on 27 June 1968. Assigned to VA-122, VA-215, VA-125, VA-153, VA-303, and VA-204. Transferred to MASDC on 17 October 1983. Transferred to Holloman AFB on 11 April 2005 to be used as a range target.
Registration / Serial:154448
Alternate Serial:4448
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7B Corsair II
C/n (msn):B88
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:637521Submit Correction
View count: 317
This was the last A-7A built by LTV. Delivered new on 12 December 1967. Assigned to VA-97 and VA-125. To MASDC in May 1977. It was converted to an A-7P for the Portuguese Air Force as 5511.
Registration / Serial:154360
Alternate Serial:4360
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7A Corsair II
C/n (msn):A199
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:637521Submit Correction
View count: 317
This was the last A-7A built by LTV. Delivered new on 12 December 1967. Assigned to VA-97 and VA-125. To MASDC in May 1977. It was converted to an A-7P for the Portuguese Air Force as 5511.
Registration / Serial:154360
Alternate Serial:4360
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7A Corsair II
C/n (msn):A199
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Yuma - MCAS / International (KYUM / YUM / NYL)Map
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Photo Date:10 December 1973 to 19 December 1973
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
City / Airport:Kingsville - NAS (KNQI / NQI)Map
Region / Country:Texas, United States
Photo Date:26 October 1975
Photo by:Paul GoddardContact
Photo ID:621840Submit Correction
View count: 289
Registration / Serial:153244
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7A Corsair II
C/n (msn):A153
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Kingsville - NAS (KNQI / NQI)Map
Region / Country:Texas, United States
Photo Date:26 October 1975
Photo by:Paul GoddardContact
City / Airport:Kingsville - NAS (KNQI / NQI)Map
Region / Country:Texas, United States
Photo Date:26 October 1975
Photo by:Paul GoddardContact
Photo ID:621840Submit Correction
View count: 289
Registration / Serial:153244
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7A Corsair II
C/n (msn):A153
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Kingsville - NAS (KNQI / NQI)Map
Region / Country:Texas, United States
Photo Date:26 October 1975
Photo by:Paul GoddardContact
City / Airport:El Centro - El Centro NAF (KNJK / NJK)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:25 April 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:590530Submit Correction
View count: 2687
Slide taken on a weapons detachment from NAS Lemoore to NAF El Centro, CA. The weapons loadout is 12 live Mk. 81 250# bombs (6 each wing attached to a Multiple Ejector Rack) and two 5" rocket pods (one pod each wing) with 4 rockets per pod. In 1975 this A-7B was converted to a TA-7C. It was retired to AMARC on 29 March 1990 with park code 6A0330. Scrapped in 2012.
Registration / Serial:154377
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7B Corsair II
C/n (msn):B17
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:El Centro - El Centro NAF (KNJK / NJK)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:25 April 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
City / Airport:El Centro - El Centro NAF (KNJK / NJK)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:25 April 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:590530Submit Correction
View count: 2687
Slide taken on a weapons detachment from NAS Lemoore to NAF El Centro, CA. The weapons loadout is 12 live Mk. 81 250# bombs (6 each wing attached to a Multiple Ejector Rack) and two 5" rocket pods (one pod each wing) with 4 rockets per pod. In 1975 this A-7B was converted to a TA-7C. It was retired to AMARC on 29 March 1990 with park code 6A0330. Scrapped in 2012.
Registration / Serial:154377
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7B Corsair II
C/n (msn):B17
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:El Centro - El Centro NAF (KNJK / NJK)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:25 April 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
City / Airport:Lemoore - NAS / Reeves Field (KNLC / NLC)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:August 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:448564Submit Correction
View count: 405
This pilot is conducting field carrier landing practice (FCLP) at NAS Lemoore under the guidance of a Training LSO. After being field qualified, the pilot will go out to an aircraft carrier and qualify in both day and night operations. 153221 retired to MASDC on 9 January 1977. It later was converted to an A-7P for the Portuguese AF with s/n 5515 (later 15515). It was WFU in 1977.
Registration / Serial:153221
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7A Corsair II
C/n (msn):A130
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Lemoore - NAS / Reeves Field (KNLC / NLC)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:August 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
City / Airport:Lemoore - NAS / Reeves Field (KNLC / NLC)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:August 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact
Photo ID:448564Submit Correction
View count: 405
This pilot is conducting field carrier landing practice (FCLP) at NAS Lemoore under the guidance of a Training LSO. After being field qualified, the pilot will go out to an aircraft carrier and qualify in both day and night operations. 153221 retired to MASDC on 9 January 1977. It later was converted to an A-7P for the Portuguese AF with s/n 5515 (later 15515). It was WFU in 1977.
Registration / Serial:153221
Aircraft Version:LTV A-7A Corsair II
C/n (msn):A130
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Lemoore - NAS / Reeves Field (KNLC / NLC)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:August 1974
Photo by:Bob ThomasContact