Aircraft Photo of C-FTAZ | Short 360-100 | Time Air | #136809
City / Airport:Vancouver - InternationalMap
Region / Country:British Columbia, Canada
Airport Codes:ICAO: CYVR   IATA: YVR   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:March 1991
Photo by:Gary Vincent
Photo ID: 136809
Photo Comment

This 1983 360 was owned by Short Brothers and leased out through their Short Air Lease division as N131DA to several US airlines before Time Air leased it in November 1990. The airline changed it's name in March 1993 as several companies were merged into Canadian Partner. The aircraft was returned the following December and it was later sold in the USA. Eventually going to Panama in September 1996 as HP-1326 for Aeroperlas Regional, the fuselage remains as headquarters for the Aero Club de Panama.

This photo is copyright © Gary Vincent, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 14 April 2019, and has since been viewed 544 times.

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