Overview of the short-lived Historic Air Museum just after takeoff on SEN's r/w 24 in an Auster. The Beverley XB261 was, sadly, broken up in 4.89 well after the HAM went under, but the Lincoln (G-APRJ/RF342) survives in a dismantled state, partly in Australia. Also visible are Mitchell N9089Z (painted as 'HD368', now dismantled at Booker), Harvard LN-BNM (now in the RAF Museum at Hendon in its original RAF colours as FE905) and Drover G-APXX (now also stored at Booker)
This photo is copyright © Richard Vandervord, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 19 November 2017, and has since been viewed 492 times.