C-47A 42-100813 passed through the Reconstruction Finance Corp (RFC) in 1945. Registered NC51793, it would be bought by Canadian Pacific Airlines July 23, 1946 and registered CF-CRX. It would be the airline's last piston airliner, in later years being used for pilot training and special events until sold October 23, 1974. Here with Harrison Airways, but still in basic CP Air colors. Later christened "Tweedsmuir", it went to Futura Aviation in 1979 before exported to the USA. As N950HA, it's been withdrawn from use since 1985, presumed scrapped when the registration was cancelled in 2011.
This photo is copyright © Gary Vincent, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 26 December 2017, and has since been viewed 1633 times.