Aircraft Photo of F-AZKM / 55454 | North American Rockwell OV-10B Bronco | USA - Marines | #276687
Registration / Serial:F-AZKM
Alternate Serial:55454
Military Code:UU-26
Aircraft Original Type:North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco
Aircraft Generic Type:North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco
Aircraft Version:North American Rockwell OV-10B Bronco
C/n (msn):338-9
Display Paint:USA - Marines
City / Airport:La Ferté-AlaisMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: LFFQ   IATA: -   Local: -   Other: -
Event:Le Temps des Hélices 2016
Photo Date:15 May 2016
Photo by:Aad van der Voet
Photo ID: 276687
Photo Comment

Ex Luftwaffe 9924. Acquired by the Amicale des Avions Anciens de la Drôme in 1991 and following restoration it was registered to them on 5 May 1997. The Bronco initially flew in authentic Luftwaffe markings as 9924, but was repainted in these very nice but fake US Marines markings in 2012/2013.

This photo is copyright © Aad van der Voet, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 5 September 2020, and has since been viewed 658 times.

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