Aircraft Photo of D-1 | Junkers F 13bi | Hansa Flugdienst | #345980
Location:Not known
Photo Date:30 April 1938 to 27 June 1940
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 345980
Photo Comment

The second Junkers F13, first flown in July 1919. To Bayerische Luft-Lloyd as D-183, named Herta. Confiscated by Allies but returned. Operated by Junkers, Bayerische Luft-Lloyd and Lufthansa as D-1, named Nachtigall. Upgraded to F13bi in 1930. New registration D-OJOP assigned in 1934 but never applied. To Hansa Flugdienst subsidiary in 1938 for sightseeing and charter work as 'world's oldest airliner'. Commandeered for Luftwaffe Fliegerschule A/B 1 at Görlitz in June 1940 but damaged in November. Retired to Berlin aviation museum. Evacuated into countryside but lost. Photo from: Nationaal Archief (Netherlands)

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