K25 slide scan. Built 1986 for Aeroflot LIthuanian Directorate as CCCP-42337. Lithuanian Airlines LY-AAM 1994, Strezhevoy Airlines RA-42337 1999. Tavria UR-42337 2001, South Airlines UR-CFH 2008, leased to Marsland Sudan 2009 and Cubana as CU-T1707 2010. Returned 2012 as UR-CFH, cancelled 2013. Sky One ER-YCH 2014, leased to Armavia. Five Airways UR-COH 2015, last noted Odessa 2019, cancelled same year. Seen here operating an East Line flight.
This photo is copyright © Michael Roeser, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 9 May 2021, and has since been viewed 502 times.