Delivered to the USAF in 1949 as 48-0612. Withdrawn from use in October 1967. To Christler Flying Services in July 1970 as N9465. To Beaver Air Spray in July 1979 as C-GXKR. Withdrawn from use and stored at St. Jean, Quebec, Canada. To Conifair Aviation around October 1981 as N749VR. Seen in April 2002 as N749NL at Avra Valley, Arizona. Restored by May 2002 and made its first flight since 1994. The ferry to The Netherlands started on September 15, 2002., routing Fort Worth, Alpena, Goose Bay, Keflavik, Duxford, Manston, Lelystad and Schiphol. Forever a shame she wasnt given a chance to fly.
This photo is copyright © Kas van Zonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 16 June 2021, and has since been viewed 701 times.