K25 slide scan. Built 1943. Modified 1964 for Cummins Diesel with many refinements: R1830-75 engines, removal of cargo door, squared off wingtips, fully enclosed mainwheel doors, retractable tailwheel, speed cowlings, large spinners, radar nose, wingroot fairings, Viemaster windows and modified hydraulics. In later years it was reconverted to freighter with cargo door installed again. After 14 static years on a farm in Oregon it was ferried to Oshkosh in October 2018 for BT-67 conversion. From 1985 it was operated by Mohican Air Service and is seen here performing an engine run.
This photo is copyright © Michael Roeser, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 11 September 2021, and has since been viewed 332 times.