Delivered to TACA in May 1993 as N768TA. Later to Vietnam Airlines (VH-NOE), EgyptAir (VH-NOE), air France (F-GKAU), Ansett (VH-NOE), Air Namibia (V5-NMB), Avianca, Britannia, Air Seychelles (all as VH-NOE), Avianca (N535AW), EuroAtlantic, Aviajet, Martinair (all as CS-TLM), Martinair (PH-MCJ), GMG airlines (S2-AFX), Ansett (N535AW), EuroAtlantic, Med-View Airline, flynas (all as CS-TRN), Azur Air Germany (D-AZUC) and Azur Air Ukraine (UR-AZD).
This photo is copyright © Kas van Zonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 28 January 2022, and has since been viewed 82 times.