Delivered to LOT in May 1992 as SE-DNK (leased from Linjeflyg). To SAS in April 1993. To British Midland in November 1994 as G-BVKD. To bmibaby in May 2003. Withdrawn from use and stored at East Midlands between January - April 2011. Stored at Bournemouth until October 2011. To TAG Aviation in April 2011. To Southern Aircraft Consultancy in October 2011 as N457US. To KalStar Aviation in July 2013 as PK-KSP. Withdrawn from use in May 2015. To Express Air in June 2017 as PK-TZD. Withdrawn from use in April 2020. Converted to cargo and to Trigana Air Service in September 2020 as PK-YSC.
This photo is copyright © Kas van Zonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 25 February 2022, and has since been viewed 117 times.