Aircraft Photo of N172MJ | Beech 1900D | #450826
City / Airport:Medford - Rogue Valley International / MedfordMap
Region / Country:Oregon, United States
Airport Codes:ICAO: KMFR   IATA: MFR   Local: MFR   Other: -
Photo Date:10 August 2016
Photo by:Gary Vincent
Photo ID: 450826
Photo Comment

This 1993 Beech 1900D first flew for USAir Express / US Airways Express (operated by Commutair registered N858CA and N85804). Commutair switched commuter allegiances to become a Continental Connection carrier at the end of 2000 and the aircraft was taken over by Colgan Air for US Airways Express. Re-registered N173MJ in 2003, it was sold to Evergreen Helicopters in 2010. Acquired by Erickson AirCrane when they bought Evergreen in 2010, it's pictured with their transport division without titles. N173MJ was sold to Bering Air in July 2019 and registered N954LE.

This photo is copyright © Gary Vincent, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 3 April 2022, and has since been viewed 89 times.

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