Aircraft Photo of G-BYNF / 3349 | North American NA-64 Yale | Canada - Air Force | #46203
Registration / Serial:G-BYNF
Alternate Serial:3349
Aircraft Original Type:North American NA-64 Yale
Aircraft Generic Type:North American NA-64 Yale
Aircraft Version:North American NA-64 Yale
C/n (msn):64-2171
Display Paint:Canada - Air Force
City / Airport:Uden - VolkelMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: EHVK   IATA: UDE   Local: -   Other: -
Event:Open Dagen Koninklijke Luchtmacht 2007
Photo Date:16 June 2007
Photo by:Peter de Jong
Photo ID: 46203
Photo Comment

The NA-64 was a fixed gear relative of the T-6 Texan / Harvard. Of 230 machines ordered by France, 111 were delivered before the fall of France and 93 of these ended up in the Luftwaffe. The other 119 were diverted to Canada as Yale Mk.I intermediate trainers. This airframe retook to the air in 1980 as N55904 and was brought to the Netherlands in 1989. It was refurbished at Duxford in the early 2000s.

This photo is copyright © Peter de Jong, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 28 February 2018, and has since been viewed 290 times.

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