Aircraft Photo of N114 | Blackburn Blackburd | UK - Navy | #471661
Registration / Serial:N114
Aircraft Original Type:Blackburn Blackburd
Aircraft Generic Type:Blackburn Blackburd
Aircraft Version:Blackburn Blackburd
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:UK - Navy
Location:Not known
Region / Country:Unknown Region, United Kingdom
Photo Date:August 1918 to December 1918
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 471661
Photo Comment

N114 was the second of three Blackburds (not Blackbird). It was used for torpedo trials at East Fortune but was also tested at Martlesham Heath and Gosport. Built at Brough, Yorkshire. Blackburds needed to release their undercarriages to release their torpedoes. They landed on skids or ditched. N114 had floats under the wings to aid buoyancy. Lost out to the Short Shirl which as later cancelled in favour of more Sopwith Cuckoos. N114 was used for spares for N115 which flew on into 1919 as a station hack. Photo from: Library and Archives Canada

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