Aircraft Photo of N409VA | Dornier 228-202 | Vision Air | #541257
City / Airport:Grand Canyon - Grand Canyon National ParkMap
Region / Country:Arizona, United States
Airport Codes:ICAO: KGCN   IATA: GCN   Local: GCN   Other: -
Photo Date:22 October 2008
Photo by:Adrian Romang
Photo ID: 541257
Photo Comment

In May 2022, this airframe was delivered to ZeroAvia, a UK and US based startup firm developping zero emissions propulsion engines for smaller commuter aircraft. N409VA became the 2nd testbed for the ZA600 (600kW) hydrogen-electric engine developped by ZeroAvia. The 1st DO228 used for the test and certification process is c/n 8046 registered G-HFZA. Based in the UK, G-HFZA first flew with the ZA600 engine installed on the left hand side on January 18, 2023, while the right engine still is the Jet A-1 fuel powered Honeywell TPE-331 turboprop.

This photo is copyright © Adrian Romang, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 22 January 2023, and has since been viewed 217 times.

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