Delivered to Braniff as N7102 in 1967. To Malaysia-Singapore Airlines as 9M-AQB in 1971, Reregistered to 9V-BFC and to Singapore Airlines in 1972. To International Air Leases in 1981 and leased to Arrow Air in 1981 then to Jet America in 1984. To Transbrasil as PT-TCJ in 1984 and returned as N707AD in 1987. To Challenge Air Cargo in 1988 then to Asnet in 1993. To the USAF as 98-6005 in 1997. Visited Europe in 1998. Later scrapped at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
This photo is copyright © Paul Seymour, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 15 February 2024, and has since been viewed 725 times.