Aircraft Photo of NX9652 / X9652 | Ford XB-906 | USA - Air Force | #665287
City / Airport:Dearborn - Ford (closed)Map
Region / Country:Michigan, United States
Airport Codes:None
Photo Date:1 April 1931 to 19 September 1931
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 665287
Photo Comment

Bomber model of Ford 5-AT-C with curious XB-906 designation. Single-pilot cockpit, two dorsal open gun positions, internal bomb racks. Markings have a military look, but the reg is civil and the photo is assumed taken at Dearborn as the aircraft crashed near the Ford airport during factory testing on 19 September 1931. Both wings detached after a steep turn at high speed. Ford chief test pilot Roy Manning and a mechanic killed. No series production undertaken. Photo from: National Museum of the US Air Force

This photo was added on 11 March 2024, and has since been viewed 235 times.

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