Delivered to Midwest Aviation July 17, 1969 as CF-MAK. Sold after the airline was merged with Transair as they already had YS-11s in their fleet. Bought by Gateway Aviation in April 1972, this airline was bought by Northward Airlines in 1979 and the aircraft again sold. Bought by Calm Air International , the rugged airliner remained with them, save for a short lease to Air Creebec (October 1989-March 1990), until withdrawn in November 2002 and stored at Thompson. MB. It was used for parts and gradually broken up with the registration cancelled in December 2007 and re-used on an ATR-42.
This photo is copyright © Gary Vincent, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 18 June 2018, and has since been viewed 810 times.