Aircraft Photo of NR1313 | Travel Air R (replica) | #709996
City / Area:Chicago / Museum of Science and Industry [ Off-Airport ]Map
Region / Country:Illinois, United States
Collection:Museum of Science and Industry
Photo Date:26 June 2016
Photo by:Arjun Sarup
Photo ID: 709996
Photo Comment

"Mystery Ship" on display at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. So named because they were built in secrecy, only five Type Rs were made by Travel Air during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Flown by flyers like Jimmy Doolittle, Doug Davis, Frank Hawks and Pancho Barnes, they participated in air races, beating the military entries for the first time. "Texaco 13" was the fourth Type R to be built and was the most famous of the series. On 13 Aug 1930 Frank Hawks flew this aircraft from Glendale to Long Is. in a time of 12h 25m 3s, bettering the record set by Charles Lindbergh.

This photo is copyright © Arjun Sarup, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 24 July 2024, and has since been viewed 93 times.

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