This 1-11 is an important one in that it survives as one of the few potentially flyable example remaining. First registered in 1967 as N270E, it served various US corporations and was sold to Rockwell International Corp in April 1971, becoming N44R, a registration previously used by the company on an F-27 and before that a CV-440, and later on a B727. Seen here arriving at Southend for attention by ATEL, it was again sold in 1977 as N524AC, changed to N87BL in 1996 and N999BW in 1998. It is now stored at Kansas City with an organisation called Tristar Experience.
This photo is copyright © Richard Vandervord, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 13 August 2024, and has since been viewed 155 times.