Aircraft Photo of YU-CGO / 9002 | Fizir FN Hydro | Aeroklub Rijeka | Yugoslavia - Air Force | #716728
City / Area:Zagreb / Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:17 March 2018
Photo by:Wim Sonneveld
Photo ID: 716728
Photo Comment

The Zmaj Fizir FNH (Hydro or Hidro is the floatplane version) was designed for primary (initial) training of pilots. The primary operator was the pre-WWII Yugoslav Royal Air Force but it was also widely used as a sport aircraft. This is one of only two surviving examples.

This photo is copyright © Wim Sonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 15 August 2024, and has since been viewed 95 times.

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