Aircraft Photo of 19 | Saab J35Oe Draken | Austria - Air Force | #734100
Registration / Serial:19
Aircraft Original Type:Saab 35 Draken
Aircraft Generic Type:Saab 35 Draken
Aircraft Version:Saab J35Oe Draken
C/n (msn):351419
Operator Titles:Austria - Air Force
City / Airport:Uden - VolkelMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: EHVK   IATA: UDE   Local: -   Other: -
Event:Open Dagen Koninklijke Luchtmacht 2000
Photo Date:1 September 2000
Photo by:Wim Sonneveld
Photo ID: 734100
Photo Comment

Austria had been a neutral country during the Cold War and so when the requirement for a new jet fighter arose in the early 1980s they bought used Drakens from Sweden, also a neutral country. After further upgrades including a self-defence system, the type entered service with the Austria air force in 1985 as J35Ö (for Österreich/Austria). Austria finally retired its Drakens in 2005. Serial 19 is seen here at the KLu Open Dagen at Volkel in 2000.

This photo is copyright © Wim Sonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 6 October 2024, and has since been viewed 108 times.

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