Aircraft Photo of 46-62 / 6062 | Bell X-1 | USA - Air Force | #751227
City / Area:Washington / Smithsonian Museum [ Off-Airport ]Map
Region / Country:District of Columbia, United States
Collection:National Air and Space Museum (Smithsonian)
Photo Date:3 June 2016
Photo by:Arjun Sarup
Photo ID: 751227
Photo Comment

"Glamorous Glennis" suspended at Smithsonian NASM. This was the first aircraft to go supersonic on 14 Oct 1947, flown by Capt C. Yeager. The X-1 was dropped around 23,000 ft. by a modified B-29 flown by Maj R. Cardenas. After climb the flight plan was to reach Mach 0.97 but the sound barrier was crossed that day to attain a speed of Mach 1.06 after levelling off at 43,000 ft. The X-1 was powered by a 26.5 kN Reaction Motors XLR11-RM3 rocket engine with four combustion chambers burning LOX and ethyl alcohol. The combustion chambers could be turned on and off individually but not throttled.

This photo is copyright © Arjun Sarup, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

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