Inside the hangar at Planes of Fame Air Museum. Built at Inglewood, CA, this Mustang was taken on charge by the USAAF with s/n 44-73415. It went to the RCAF in 1951. Later sold into private hands, it competed a number of times at the National Championship Air Races at Reno. On 2 Sep 2017, "Voodoo" piloted by Steve Hinton set a speed record by clocking 554.69 mph and an average of 531.53 mph, becoming the fastest piston-engine aircraft in the world. The aircraft was donated to the museum in Dec 2017.
This photo is copyright © Arjun Sarup, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 12 December 2024, and has since been viewed 52 times.