After touchdown, proceeding towards the Inner Harbour. Delivered new to Miron et Frères of Montreal in 1954 as CF-EYY. Later saw wider service across Quebec. Joined Air Wilga in 1998 as C-FEYY, becoming a testbed for the Orenda OE-600A piston engine, intended as a more economic competitor for the turbine PT-6. When Orenda went out of business in 2003, the aircraft had to be grounded. It was put into storage. In 2008 trucked to Vancouver by Harbour Air and, after Vazar conversion, added to the fleet as "316" C-GHAZ
This photo is copyright © David A. Montgomery, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 18 December 2024, and has since been viewed 46 times.