Aircraft Photo of 11 white | Mil Mi-24P | Belarus - Air Force | #772154
City / Area:Pruzhany / park [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:2019
Photo by:Wim Sonneveld
Photo ID: 772154
Photo Comment

A rather bad angle and tight shot of Mi-24P with bort 11 white of the Belarusian air force. It can be found in the town of Pruzhany, which houses several aviation monuments in relation to the nearby air base with the same name, which used to house a regiment of Mi-24 helicopters when the base was transferred to Belarusian control following the dissolution of the Soviet-Union.

This photo is copyright © Wim Sonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 25 January 2025, and has since been viewed 193 times.

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