Registration / Serial:128450
Military Code:6
Aircraft Original Type:Convair R3Y Tradewind
Aircraft Generic Type:Convair R3Y Tradewind
Aircraft Version:Convair R3Y-2 Tradewind
C/n (msn):[ 128450 ]
City / Area:San Diego Bay [ Off-Airport ]Map (vicinity)
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:27 April 1957
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID:241627Submit Correction
View count: 3195
Rejected as a maritime patrol aircraft, the XP5Y turboprop flying boat was reworked as the R3Y Tradewind transport and tanker aircraft, the R3Y-2 having forward doors for use as a flying landing craft. During this demonstration on 27 April 1957, the sixth Tradewind landed a bunch of marines, a jeep, a light truck, a Mule tractor and a howitzer. However, even in a quiet bay, it was very difficult to keep the aircraft stable or to reverse from the beach, and the navy was not impressed. Photo from: Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie
Registration / Serial:128450
Aircraft Version:Convair R3Y-2 Tradewind
C/n (msn):[ 128450 ]
City / Area:San Diego Bay [ Off-Airport ]Map (vicinity)
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:27 April 1957
Photo Photo Archive
Registration / Serial:128450
Military Code:6
Aircraft Original Type:Convair R3Y Tradewind
Aircraft Generic Type:Convair R3Y Tradewind
Aircraft Version:Convair R3Y-2 Tradewind
C/n (msn):[ 128450 ]
City / Area:San Diego Bay [ Off-Airport ]Map (vicinity)
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:27 April 1957
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID:241627Submit Correction
View count: 3195
Rejected as a maritime patrol aircraft, the XP5Y turboprop flying boat was reworked as the R3Y Tradewind transport and tanker aircraft, the R3Y-2 having forward doors for use as a flying landing craft. During this demonstration on 27 April 1957, the sixth Tradewind landed a bunch of marines, a jeep, a light truck, a Mule tractor and a howitzer. However, even in a quiet bay, it was very difficult to keep the aircraft stable or to reverse from the beach, and the navy was not impressed. Photo from: Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie
Registration / Serial:128450
Aircraft Version:Convair R3Y-2 Tradewind
C/n (msn):[ 128450 ]
City / Area:San Diego Bay [ Off-Airport ]Map (vicinity)
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:27 April 1957
Photo Photo Archive