2 results found
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:January 1947 to August 1947
Photo from:Peter de Jong CollectionContact
Photo ID:402038Submit Correction
View count: 395
The XR-10 transport helicopter, still without national insignia, at the Kellett factory site in North Wales, near Lansdale. Standing by the nose are test pilots Al Bayer and his older colleague Dave Driskoll, in suit, who got killed in the XR-10 in 1949. Photo courtesy of CW Bayer, author of the online book Flying Without Instruction about his late father's work.
Registration / Serial:45-22793
Alternate Serial:522793
Aircraft Version:Kellett XR-10
C/n (msn):[ 45-22793 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:January 1947 to August 1947
Photo from:Peter de Jong CollectionContact
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:January 1947 to August 1947
Photo from:Peter de Jong CollectionContact
Photo ID:402038Submit Correction
View count: 395
The XR-10 transport helicopter, still without national insignia, at the Kellett factory site in North Wales, near Lansdale. Standing by the nose are test pilots Al Bayer and his older colleague Dave Driskoll, in suit, who got killed in the XR-10 in 1949. Photo courtesy of CW Bayer, author of the online book Flying Without Instruction about his late father's work.
Registration / Serial:45-22793
Alternate Serial:522793
Aircraft Version:Kellett XR-10
C/n (msn):[ 45-22793 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:January 1947 to August 1947
Photo from:Peter de Jong CollectionContact
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:24 April 1947 to 25 September 1947
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:393810Submit Correction
View count: 1248
The XR-10, which was to carry ten troops, was said to be the largest helicopter in the world. It first flew on 24 April 1946. This photo was probably taken during a press demonstration on 25 September. Powered by two Wright R-975 Whirlwind engines in nacelles on the sides, the beast was dangerous to fly and the prototype crashed on 3 October 1949, killing test pilot Dave Driskill. Photo by: Howard Levy / Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie
Registration / Serial:45-22793
Alternate Serial:522793
Aircraft Version:Kellett XR-10
C/n (msn):[ 45-22793 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:24 April 1947 to 25 September 1947
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:24 April 1947 to 25 September 1947
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:393810Submit Correction
View count: 1248
The XR-10, which was to carry ten troops, was said to be the largest helicopter in the world. It first flew on 24 April 1946. This photo was probably taken during a press demonstration on 25 September. Powered by two Wright R-975 Whirlwind engines in nacelles on the sides, the beast was dangerous to fly and the prototype crashed on 3 October 1949, killing test pilot Dave Driskill. Photo by: Howard Levy / Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie
Registration / Serial:45-22793
Alternate Serial:522793
Aircraft Version:Kellett XR-10
C/n (msn):[ 45-22793 ]
Operator Titles:USA - Air Force
City / Airport:Lansdale - Kellett (closed)Map
Region / Country:Pennsylvania, United States
Photo Date:24 April 1947 to 25 September 1947
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive