City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 April 1974
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:339016Submit Correction
View count: 207
Made in 1946 and imported in 1960 ex N72466. I found this hanging on the fence after a freak wind storm picked it up and dropped it there. As can be seen, the aircraft had been tied down with rope more suitable for hanging out the laundry which explains why all three broke. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way! Luckily it was repaired and is current based at Morden/MB in 2021.
Registration / Serial:CF-JWA
Aircraft Version:Cessna 140
C/n (msn):9611
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 April 1974
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 April 1974
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:339016Submit Correction
View count: 207
Made in 1946 and imported in 1960 ex N72466. I found this hanging on the fence after a freak wind storm picked it up and dropped it there. As can be seen, the aircraft had been tied down with rope more suitable for hanging out the laundry which explains why all three broke. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way! Luckily it was repaired and is current based at Morden/MB in 2021.
Registration / Serial:CF-JWA
Aircraft Version:Cessna 140
C/n (msn):9611
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 April 1974
Photo by:Tim MartinContact