City / Airport:Melbourne - Essendon (YMEN / MEB)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:1929
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID:163708Submit Correction
View count: 415
G-AUBZ had a remarkably long career for an aircraft of its era. Registered in 1921, it was around long enough to became VH-UBZ. It was initially owned by legendary pilot Ray Parer, then went to Qantas and on to Matthews Aviation at Essendon. It remained in use into the late 1930s before being struck off the register in 1940, Photo from: National Library of Australia
Registration / Serial:G-AUBZ
Aircraft Version:Airco DH-4
C/n (msn):[ F2682 ]
City / Airport:Melbourne - Essendon (YMEN / MEB)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:1929
Photo Photo Archive
City / Airport:Melbourne - Essendon (YMEN / MEB)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:1929
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID:163708Submit Correction
View count: 415
G-AUBZ had a remarkably long career for an aircraft of its era. Registered in 1921, it was around long enough to became VH-UBZ. It was initially owned by legendary pilot Ray Parer, then went to Qantas and on to Matthews Aviation at Essendon. It remained in use into the late 1930s before being struck off the register in 1940, Photo from: National Library of Australia
Registration / Serial:G-AUBZ
Aircraft Version:Airco DH-4
C/n (msn):[ F2682 ]
City / Airport:Melbourne - Essendon (YMEN / MEB)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:1929
Photo Photo Archive