Location:In Flight
Photo Date:1928 to 1932
Photo by:Sidney Hatter (via Ian McDonell)Contact
Photo ID:218930Submit Correction
View count: 1191
Photo taken during operations against rebels. There is an official RAF photo of this aircraft dropping its bombs that was likely taken by Sidney Hatter during the same mission.
Registration / Serial:J9719
Aircraft Version:Westland Wapiti IIA
C/n (msn):[ J9719 ]
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
Location:In Flight
Photo Date:1928 to 1932
Photo by:Sidney Hatter (via Ian McDonell)Contact
Location:In Flight
Photo Date:1928 to 1932
Photo by:Sidney Hatter (via Ian McDonell)Contact
Photo ID:218930Submit Correction
View count: 1191
Photo taken during operations against rebels. There is an official RAF photo of this aircraft dropping its bombs that was likely taken by Sidney Hatter during the same mission.
Registration / Serial:J9719
Aircraft Version:Westland Wapiti IIA
C/n (msn):[ J9719 ]
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
Location:In Flight
Photo Date:1928 to 1932
Photo by:Sidney Hatter (via Ian McDonell)Contact