City / Airport:Montréal - Saint-Hubert (CYHU / YHU)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:1948
Photo from:James Craik CollectionContact
Photo ID:751034Submit Correction
View count: 138
The RAF York aircraft that supplied the air lift for ground crews and spare parts on the 54 Squadron Vampire first crossing of the Atlantic by jet-propelled aircraft in history. Party consisted of six Vampires, three Mosquitoes, and three Yorks. DND photo.
Registration / Serial:MW288
Aircraft Version:Avro 685 York
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Montréal - Saint-Hubert (CYHU / YHU)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:1948
Photo from:James Craik CollectionContact
City / Airport:Montréal - Saint-Hubert (CYHU / YHU)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:1948
Photo from:James Craik CollectionContact
Photo ID:751034Submit Correction
View count: 138
The RAF York aircraft that supplied the air lift for ground crews and spare parts on the 54 Squadron Vampire first crossing of the Atlantic by jet-propelled aircraft in history. Party consisted of six Vampires, three Mosquitoes, and three Yorks. DND photo.
Registration / Serial:MW288
Aircraft Version:Avro 685 York
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Montréal - Saint-Hubert (CYHU / YHU)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:1948
Photo from:James Craik CollectionContact