City / Airport:Mojave - Air and Space Port (KMHV / MHV)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:29 January 2004
Photo by:BeauContact
Photo ID:365080Submit Correction
View count: 260
Unfortunately due the way the aircraft was parked only the top of the US registration, N807AN which was the official registration at the time, could be seen just above the wing / engine. Ex VH-RMO of which the "O" could be seen above the cockpit windows and on the nosewheel door, later broken up.
Registration / Serial:N807AN
Aircraft Version:Boeing 767-204
C/n (msn):23807 / 184
Operator Titles:Ansett Australia
City / Airport:Mojave - Air and Space Port (KMHV / MHV)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:29 January 2004
Photo by:BeauContact
City / Airport:Mojave - Air and Space Port (KMHV / MHV)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:29 January 2004
Photo by:BeauContact
Photo ID:365080Submit Correction
View count: 260
Unfortunately due the way the aircraft was parked only the top of the US registration, N807AN which was the official registration at the time, could be seen just above the wing / engine. Ex VH-RMO of which the "O" could be seen above the cockpit windows and on the nosewheel door, later broken up.
Registration / Serial:N807AN
Aircraft Version:Boeing 767-204
C/n (msn):23807 / 184
Operator Titles:Ansett Australia
City / Airport:Mojave - Air and Space Port (KMHV / MHV)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:29 January 2004
Photo by:BeauContact