City / Airport:Plzeň - Línĕ (LKLN)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
Photo ID:545657Submit Correction
View count: 168
Pictured departing Den otevřených hangárů (The Day of Open Hangars) towards the end of the day. This event was organised so that people could show their support for the continued existance of this historic airfield. The turnout in terms of footfall and fly-ins far surpassed the organisers expectations and I hope they will be successful in the fight for LKLN to remain open,
Registration / Serial:OK-NUR 14
Aircraft Version:Direct Fly Alto 100
C/n (msn):
City / Airport:Plzeň - Línĕ (LKLN)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
City / Airport:Plzeň - Línĕ (LKLN)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
Photo ID:545657Submit Correction
View count: 168
Pictured departing Den otevřených hangárů (The Day of Open Hangars) towards the end of the day. This event was organised so that people could show their support for the continued existance of this historic airfield. The turnout in terms of footfall and fly-ins far surpassed the organisers expectations and I hope they will be successful in the fight for LKLN to remain open,
Registration / Serial:OK-NUR 14
Aircraft Version:Direct Fly Alto 100
C/n (msn):
City / Airport:Plzeň - Línĕ (LKLN)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact