3 results found
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:Park Vojaške Zgodovine
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Wim SonneveldContact
Photo ID:717022Submit Correction
View count: 75
The design team for the SOKO 522 was led by a Slovenian and so it is fitting than one is on display at this museum. The frame was on display for some time at the Kbely museum in Prague. Its real serial is 60123.
Registration / Serial:"23500"
Alternate Serial:123
Aircraft Version:Soko 522
C/n (msn):123
Operator Titles:Yugoslavia - Air Force
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Wim SonneveldContact
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:Park Vojaške Zgodovine
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Wim SonneveldContact
Photo ID:717022Submit Correction
View count: 75
The design team for the SOKO 522 was led by a Slovenian and so it is fitting than one is on display at this museum. The frame was on display for some time at the Kbely museum in Prague. Its real serial is 60123.
Registration / Serial:"23500"
Alternate Serial:123
Aircraft Version:Soko 522
C/n (msn):123
Operator Titles:Yugoslavia - Air Force
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:25 February 2023
Photo by:Wim SonneveldContact
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:Park Vojaške Zgodovine
Photo Date:9 October 2021
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
Photo ID:402341Submit Correction
View count: 1119
The design team for the SOKO 522 was led by a Slovenian and so it is fitting than one is on display at this super museum. This example on display wears a fake serial as in service it was 60123. The frame was on display for some time at the Kbely museum in Prague.
Registration / Serial:"23500"
Alternate Serial:123
Aircraft Version:Soko 522
C/n (msn):123
Operator Titles:Yugoslavia - Air Force
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:9 October 2021
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:Park Vojaške Zgodovine
Photo Date:9 October 2021
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
Photo ID:402341Submit Correction
View count: 1119
The design team for the SOKO 522 was led by a Slovenian and so it is fitting than one is on display at this super museum. This example on display wears a fake serial as in service it was 60123. The frame was on display for some time at the Kbely museum in Prague.
Registration / Serial:"23500"
Alternate Serial:123
Aircraft Version:Soko 522
C/n (msn):123
Operator Titles:Yugoslavia - Air Force
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:9 October 2021
Photo by:Alastair T. GardinerContact
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:Park Vojaške Zgodovine
Photo Date:29 May 2019
Photo by:Peter VercruijsseContact
Photo ID:401658Submit Correction
View count: 804
23500 is a fake serial, it really is 60123. After service it was originally in Mostar, but it moved to the Letecké Muzeum Kbely in Czechia where it was noted in Nov-2008. In 2009 it was moved to Slovenia and became an exhibit in the Park Vojaške Zgodovine (Park of Military History) in Pivka. A total of 112 Soko 522s was built, production ending in 1961. It served in the Yugoslav Air Force from 1954 to 1978 as a trainer/light combat aircraft. The type was used in a number of movies, e.g. The Battle of Neretva, or Kelly's Heroes as stand-in for German Fw-190s.
Registration / Serial:"23500"
Alternate Serial:123
Aircraft Version:Soko 522
C/n (msn):123
Operator Titles:Yugoslavia - Air Force
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:29 May 2019
Photo by:Peter VercruijsseContact
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:Park Vojaške Zgodovine
Photo Date:29 May 2019
Photo by:Peter VercruijsseContact
Photo ID:401658Submit Correction
View count: 804
23500 is a fake serial, it really is 60123. After service it was originally in Mostar, but it moved to the Letecké Muzeum Kbely in Czechia where it was noted in Nov-2008. In 2009 it was moved to Slovenia and became an exhibit in the Park Vojaške Zgodovine (Park of Military History) in Pivka. A total of 112 Soko 522s was built, production ending in 1961. It served in the Yugoslav Air Force from 1954 to 1978 as a trainer/light combat aircraft. The type was used in a number of movies, e.g. The Battle of Neretva, or Kelly's Heroes as stand-in for German Fw-190s.
Registration / Serial:"23500"
Alternate Serial:123
Aircraft Version:Soko 522
C/n (msn):123
Operator Titles:Yugoslavia - Air Force
City / Area:Pivka / Park Vojaške Zgodovine [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:29 May 2019
Photo by:Peter VercruijsseContact