2 results found
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:738581Submit Correction
View count: 232
Often incorrectly reported as an Madagascar AF helicopter, 5R-MVF was for a few years operated by SONAVAM ("Societe Nationale d'Aviation à Madagascar"). Owned by the clan of former longterm president Didier Ratsiraka, the helicopter was used for who knows what. In 2002, when Ratsiraka and his relatives fled the country after having lost the 2001 presidental election, several SONAVAM helicopters were abandoned at Ivato Aeroport, slowly falling apart. Started life as "945" with the German Democratic Republic (DDR), then 93+52 with the Bundesheer and finally LY-HAX before becoming 5R-MVF.
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:738581Submit Correction
View count: 232
Often incorrectly reported as an Madagascar AF helicopter, 5R-MVF was for a few years operated by SONAVAM ("Societe Nationale d'Aviation à Madagascar"). Owned by the clan of former longterm president Didier Ratsiraka, the helicopter was used for who knows what. In 2002, when Ratsiraka and his relatives fled the country after having lost the 2001 presidental election, several SONAVAM helicopters were abandoned at Ivato Aeroport, slowly falling apart. Started life as "945" with the German Democratic Republic (DDR), then 93+52 with the Bundesheer and finally LY-HAX before becoming 5R-MVF.
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:448775Submit Correction
View count: 694
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:448775Submit Correction
View count: 694
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact