42 results found
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:738581Submit Correction
View count: 232
Often incorrectly reported as an Madagascar AF helicopter, 5R-MVF was for a few years operated by SONAVAM ("Societe Nationale d'Aviation à Madagascar"). Owned by the clan of former longterm president Didier Ratsiraka, the helicopter was used for who knows what. In 2002, when Ratsiraka and his relatives fled the country after having lost the 2001 presidental election, several SONAVAM helicopters were abandoned at Ivato Aeroport, slowly falling apart. Started life as "945" with the German Democratic Republic (DDR), then 93+52 with the Bundesheer and finally LY-HAX before becoming 5R-MVF.
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:738581Submit Correction
View count: 232
Often incorrectly reported as an Madagascar AF helicopter, 5R-MVF was for a few years operated by SONAVAM ("Societe Nationale d'Aviation à Madagascar"). Owned by the clan of former longterm president Didier Ratsiraka, the helicopter was used for who knows what. In 2002, when Ratsiraka and his relatives fled the country after having lost the 2001 presidental election, several SONAVAM helicopters were abandoned at Ivato Aeroport, slowly falling apart. Started life as "945" with the German Democratic Republic (DDR), then 93+52 with the Bundesheer and finally LY-HAX before becoming 5R-MVF.
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:20 March 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:736724Submit Correction
View count: 359
Having been under Soviet Union and North Korean influence since the late 1970's, Madagascar in due course started to operate a small fleet of various russian built aircraft and helicopters. Among them were six AN-26 registered 5R-MUG, -MUK, -MUL, -MUM, -MUN and -MUO. A 7th airframe - 5R-MUP pictured here - was delivered to the Madagascar AF in March of 1999 but was already withdrawn from use around 2005. The 1979 built aircraft is former CCCP-26672 with Aeroflot and RA-26672 with Kuban Airlines respectively.
Registration / Serial:5R-MUP
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-26
C/n (msn):8305
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:20 March 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:20 March 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:736724Submit Correction
View count: 359
Having been under Soviet Union and North Korean influence since the late 1970's, Madagascar in due course started to operate a small fleet of various russian built aircraft and helicopters. Among them were six AN-26 registered 5R-MUG, -MUK, -MUL, -MUM, -MUN and -MUO. A 7th airframe - 5R-MUP pictured here - was delivered to the Madagascar AF in March of 1999 but was already withdrawn from use around 2005. The 1979 built aircraft is former CCCP-26672 with Aeroflot and RA-26672 with Kuban Airlines respectively.
Registration / Serial:5R-MUP
Aircraft Version:Antonov An-26
C/n (msn):8305
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:20 March 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5X-IRE
Aircraft Original Type:Boeing 727
Aircraft Generic Type:Boeing 727-200 (C-22)
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21931 / 1531
Operator Titles:SKA International Group
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:672167Submit Correction
View count: 515
SKA International Group was founded in 2003 and prides itself as "doing difficult jobs in difficult places is what we do best!". As such, SKA operates and flies into hostile places like Iraq, Yemen and Somolia, to name a few. Built in 1979, 5X-IRE started its career with Avianca and SAM Colombia (as N202AV). Converted to a freighter in early 1995, DHL operated till September 2011 (as N741DH) before being sold to SKA in Africa (as ZS-IRE and 5X-IRE). Finally registered as 5Y-IRE with SAFE Air and w/o on March 31, 2024 during a landing accident at Malakal Airstrip, South Sudan.
Registration / Serial:5X-IRE
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21931 / 1531
Operator Titles:SKA International Group
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5X-IRE
Aircraft Original Type:Boeing 727
Aircraft Generic Type:Boeing 727-200 (C-22)
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21931 / 1531
Operator Titles:SKA International Group
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:672167Submit Correction
View count: 515
SKA International Group was founded in 2003 and prides itself as "doing difficult jobs in difficult places is what we do best!". As such, SKA operates and flies into hostile places like Iraq, Yemen and Somolia, to name a few. Built in 1979, 5X-IRE started its career with Avianca and SAM Colombia (as N202AV). Converted to a freighter in early 1995, DHL operated till September 2011 (as N741DH) before being sold to SKA in Africa (as ZS-IRE and 5X-IRE). Finally registered as 5Y-IRE with SAFE Air and w/o on March 31, 2024 during a landing accident at Malakal Airstrip, South Sudan.
Registration / Serial:5X-IRE
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21931 / 1531
Operator Titles:SKA International Group
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:19 January 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:651374Submit Correction
View count: 412
This 1982 built Bell 222 became the presidental helicopter of Madagascar in late 2003. Previous registrations of this airframe were N1982P, N18UC, N990JB, C-GSVD, N32GH, XA-SII, and N444MA. It was operated by Madagascar's small Air Force but actually flown by foreign pilots. After less than two years in service, it was written off after an accident on October 12, 2005. Coming in a bit too fast and with tailwind, the underpowered helicopter hit the ground hard, rolled over and caught fire. Luckily, all seven persons on board - incl. the then president Marc Ravolomanana - walked away unhurt.
Registration / Serial:5R-MOH
Aircraft Version:Bell 222A
C/n (msn):47078
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:19 January 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:19 January 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:651374Submit Correction
View count: 412
This 1982 built Bell 222 became the presidental helicopter of Madagascar in late 2003. Previous registrations of this airframe were N1982P, N18UC, N990JB, C-GSVD, N32GH, XA-SII, and N444MA. It was operated by Madagascar's small Air Force but actually flown by foreign pilots. After less than two years in service, it was written off after an accident on October 12, 2005. Coming in a bit too fast and with tailwind, the underpowered helicopter hit the ground hard, rolled over and caught fire. Luckily, all seven persons on board - incl. the then president Marc Ravolomanana - walked away unhurt.
Registration / Serial:5R-MOH
Aircraft Version:Bell 222A
C/n (msn):47078
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:19 January 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:D6-FAT
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 404 Titan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 404 Titan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 404 Titan
C/n (msn):404-0216
Operator Titles:Inter Îles Air
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:26 January 2013
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:651028Submit Correction
View count: 222
Registered in the Comores but pictured while for maintenace work on the neighbouring island of Madagascar. This 1978 built airframe was later sold to "Go Comores" and repainted, but suffered an accident on July 19, 2019 while attempting an emergency landing at its home base Moroni airport, Comores Island. Luckily, all 10 passengers and the sole pilot escaped, but the aircraft was partially destroyed by a post crash fire and subsequently written off.
Registration / Serial:D6-FAT
Aircraft Version:Cessna 404 Titan
C/n (msn):404-0216
Operator Titles:Inter Îles Air
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:26 January 2013
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:D6-FAT
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 404 Titan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 404 Titan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 404 Titan
C/n (msn):404-0216
Operator Titles:Inter Îles Air
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:26 January 2013
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:651028Submit Correction
View count: 222
Registered in the Comores but pictured while for maintenace work on the neighbouring island of Madagascar. This 1978 built airframe was later sold to "Go Comores" and repainted, but suffered an accident on July 19, 2019 while attempting an emergency landing at its home base Moroni airport, Comores Island. Luckily, all 10 passengers and the sole pilot escaped, but the aircraft was partially destroyed by a post crash fire and subsequently written off.
Registration / Serial:D6-FAT
Aircraft Version:Cessna 404 Titan
C/n (msn):404-0216
Operator Titles:Inter Îles Air
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:26 January 2013
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5R-EJA
Aircraft Original Type:ATR ATR-72
Aircraft Generic Type:ATR ATR-72
Aircraft Version:ATR ATR-72-600 (ATR-72-212A)
C/n (msn):1239
Operator Titles:Air Madagascar
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 October 2015
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:637283Submit Correction
View count: 247
Air Madagascar introduced it's first two ATR-72 in 2005 (5R-MJE and 5R-MJF), followed by two more in 2015 (5R-EJA & 5R-EJB). With the exception of 5R-MJE, all were transferred to the the then newly established domestic airline Tsaradia in 2018.
Registration / Serial:5R-EJA
Aircraft Version:ATR ATR-72-600 (ATR-72-212A)
C/n (msn):1239
Operator Titles:Air Madagascar
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 October 2015
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5R-EJA
Aircraft Original Type:ATR ATR-72
Aircraft Generic Type:ATR ATR-72
Aircraft Version:ATR ATR-72-600 (ATR-72-212A)
C/n (msn):1239
Operator Titles:Air Madagascar
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 October 2015
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:637283Submit Correction
View count: 247
Air Madagascar introduced it's first two ATR-72 in 2005 (5R-MJE and 5R-MJF), followed by two more in 2015 (5R-EJA & 5R-EJB). With the exception of 5R-MJE, all were transferred to the the then newly established domestic airline Tsaradia in 2018.
Registration / Serial:5R-EJA
Aircraft Version:ATR ATR-72-600 (ATR-72-212A)
C/n (msn):1239
Operator Titles:Air Madagascar
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:24 October 2015
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:D6-BJH
Aircraft Original Type:British Aerospace 146 / Avro RJ
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-146/Avro RJ
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-146-200
C/n (msn):E2030
Operator Titles:Comores Aviation International
Aircraft Name:Perceval
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:547143Submit Correction
View count: 413
Before this 1985 built airframe joint Comores Aviation International in late February 2010, it has already been in service with several US, British and South African airlines, and as such carried six different registrations (N352PS, N172PS, G-WLCY, G-ZAPL, EI-PAT and ZS-SFZ). It's final "station Comores" was rather short lived, with D6-BJH already stored in June of 2010, a bare four month after it was put in service. Looks like I was lucky to catch it on one of only a few flights during those four month....scrapped in 2013.
Registration / Serial:D6-BJH
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-146-200
C/n (msn):E2030
Operator Titles:Comores Aviation International
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:D6-BJH
Aircraft Original Type:British Aerospace 146 / Avro RJ
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-146/Avro RJ
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-146-200
C/n (msn):E2030
Operator Titles:Comores Aviation International
Aircraft Name:Perceval
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:547143Submit Correction
View count: 413
Before this 1985 built airframe joint Comores Aviation International in late February 2010, it has already been in service with several US, British and South African airlines, and as such carried six different registrations (N352PS, N172PS, G-WLCY, G-ZAPL, EI-PAT and ZS-SFZ). It's final "station Comores" was rather short lived, with D6-BJH already stored in June of 2010, a bare four month after it was put in service. Looks like I was lucky to catch it on one of only a few flights during those four month....scrapped in 2013.
Registration / Serial:D6-BJH
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-146-200
C/n (msn):E2030
Operator Titles:Comores Aviation International
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5Y-GMA
Aircraft Original Type:Boeing 727
Aircraft Generic Type:Boeing 727-200 (C-22)
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21930 / 1508
Operator Titles:Safe Air Company - SAC
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:25 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:546645Submit Correction
View count: 1303
Founded in 2001, Safe Air Company (S.A.C.) is a passenger and cargo airline based in Nairobi, Kenya, providing commercial and humanitarian air transport to clients in East, Central and South Africa, but also to the Middle East. Hence, Safe Air operates a small but divers fleet of aircraft, among them e.g. single engine Cessna 208 Caravan's, Fokker F50 and "heavier stuff" like this B727. The red sticker in front of the cabin door reads "Air Djibouti", suggesting the aircraft was subleased to - or operating on behalf of - the later. 5Y-GMA previosuly flew with Avianca as N200AV.
Registration / Serial:5Y-GMA
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21930 / 1508
Operator Titles:Safe Air Company - SAC
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:25 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5Y-GMA
Aircraft Original Type:Boeing 727
Aircraft Generic Type:Boeing 727-200 (C-22)
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21930 / 1508
Operator Titles:Safe Air Company - SAC
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:25 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:546645Submit Correction
View count: 1303
Founded in 2001, Safe Air Company (S.A.C.) is a passenger and cargo airline based in Nairobi, Kenya, providing commercial and humanitarian air transport to clients in East, Central and South Africa, but also to the Middle East. Hence, Safe Air operates a small but divers fleet of aircraft, among them e.g. single engine Cessna 208 Caravan's, Fokker F50 and "heavier stuff" like this B727. The red sticker in front of the cabin door reads "Air Djibouti", suggesting the aircraft was subleased to - or operating on behalf of - the later. 5Y-GMA previosuly flew with Avianca as N200AV.
Registration / Serial:5Y-GMA
Aircraft Version:Boeing 727-2Q9/Adv(F)
C/n (msn):21930 / 1508
Operator Titles:Safe Air Company - SAC
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:25 November 2017
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:ET-AZO
Aircraft Original Type:Boeing 737
Aircraft Generic Type:Boeing 737-8/800 (BBJ2)
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-8 Max 8
C/n (msn):62457 / 8412
Operator Titles:Ethiopian Airlines
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:546606Submit Correction
View count: 161
This airframe is the latest addition to Ethiopian Airlines 12 aircraft strong 737-8 Max 8 fleet. It first flew as N4022T on October 26, 2022 and was delivered to the Addis Abeba based airline on December 7, 2022. It mostlikely replaced sistership ET-AVJ, which was lost on March 10, 2019 near Bishoftu some 40km south of Addis, unfortunately killing all 157 souls on board. The crash finally grounded the entire worldwide 737 Max fleet for almost two years, with brazilian low-cost carrier GOL being the first airline to resume commercial flights with the Max on December 9, 2020.
Registration / Serial:ET-AZO
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-8 Max 8
C/n (msn):62457 / 8412
Operator Titles:Ethiopian Airlines
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:ET-AZO
Aircraft Original Type:Boeing 737
Aircraft Generic Type:Boeing 737-8/800 (BBJ2)
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-8 Max 8
C/n (msn):62457 / 8412
Operator Titles:Ethiopian Airlines
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:546606Submit Correction
View count: 161
This airframe is the latest addition to Ethiopian Airlines 12 aircraft strong 737-8 Max 8 fleet. It first flew as N4022T on October 26, 2022 and was delivered to the Addis Abeba based airline on December 7, 2022. It mostlikely replaced sistership ET-AVJ, which was lost on March 10, 2019 near Bishoftu some 40km south of Addis, unfortunately killing all 157 souls on board. The crash finally grounded the entire worldwide 737 Max fleet for almost two years, with brazilian low-cost carrier GOL being the first airline to resume commercial flights with the Max on December 9, 2020.
Registration / Serial:ET-AZO
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-8 Max 8
C/n (msn):62457 / 8412
Operator Titles:Ethiopian Airlines
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:4 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:31 January 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:543962Submit Correction
View count: 1009
Tsaradia started operating in July of 2018 as a joint venture of Air Madagascar and Air Austral (La Reunion). As such, Tsaradia took over three DHC-6 Twin Otter and three ATR-72 from Air Madagascar (among them 5R-EJA pictured here), plus two ATR-72 from Air Austral. The main purpose of the airline is to serve the domestic routes of Madagascar and the airport of Saint Denis de la Reunion-Gillot (FMEE). Tsaradia means "Safe journey" / "Good travel" in the local malagasy language. The DHC-6's, of which only 5R-MGD (c/n 329) received the new livery, have now been withdrawn from use.
Registration / Serial:5R-EJA
Aircraft Version:ATR ATR-72-600 (ATR-72-212A)
C/n (msn):1239
Operator Titles:Tsaradia
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:31 January 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:31 January 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:543962Submit Correction
View count: 1009
Tsaradia started operating in July of 2018 as a joint venture of Air Madagascar and Air Austral (La Reunion). As such, Tsaradia took over three DHC-6 Twin Otter and three ATR-72 from Air Madagascar (among them 5R-EJA pictured here), plus two ATR-72 from Air Austral. The main purpose of the airline is to serve the domestic routes of Madagascar and the airport of Saint Denis de la Reunion-Gillot (FMEE). Tsaradia means "Safe journey" / "Good travel" in the local malagasy language. The DHC-6's, of which only 5R-MGD (c/n 329) received the new livery, have now been withdrawn from use.
Registration / Serial:5R-EJA
Aircraft Version:ATR ATR-72-600 (ATR-72-212A)
C/n (msn):1239
Operator Titles:Tsaradia
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:31 January 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:F-OLAV
Aircraft Original Type:Bombardier CSeries (BD-500)
Aircraft Generic Type:Airbus A220
Aircraft Version:Airbus A220-371 (BD-500-1A11)
C/n (msn):55106
Operator Titles:Air Austral
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:2 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:543951Submit Correction
View count: 266
French overseas airline Air Austral of La Reunion currently operates an all jet fleet of nine aircraft, among them three A220-300. F-OLAV seen here is the 1st Air Austral A220 and was introduced in July of 2021. The vertical fins of all Air Austral aircraft are individually painted and depict a typical landscene of La Reunion, a volcanic island to the east of Madagascar. Serving regional routes, Air Austral planes are a regular sight in Antananarivo, Madagascar's capital.
Registration / Serial:F-OLAV
Aircraft Version:Airbus A220-371 (BD-500-1A11)
C/n (msn):55106
Operator Titles:Air Austral
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:2 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:F-OLAV
Aircraft Original Type:Bombardier CSeries (BD-500)
Aircraft Generic Type:Airbus A220
Aircraft Version:Airbus A220-371 (BD-500-1A11)
C/n (msn):55106
Operator Titles:Air Austral
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:2 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:543951Submit Correction
View count: 266
French overseas airline Air Austral of La Reunion currently operates an all jet fleet of nine aircraft, among them three A220-300. F-OLAV seen here is the 1st Air Austral A220 and was introduced in July of 2021. The vertical fins of all Air Austral aircraft are individually painted and depict a typical landscene of La Reunion, a volcanic island to the east of Madagascar. Serving regional routes, Air Austral planes are a regular sight in Antananarivo, Madagascar's capital.
Registration / Serial:F-OLAV
Aircraft Version:Airbus A220-371 (BD-500-1A11)
C/n (msn):55106
Operator Titles:Air Austral
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:2 February 2023
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:514039Submit Correction
View count: 166
For almost 21 years, this 1994 built B737-300 flew for Air Madagascar, before it joined the fleet of Trans Air Congo as TN-MAN in May of 2015. The airframe is reported to be stored in Amman (Jordan) since March 2019. It is seen here during better days, taxying out for it's first commercial flight in the (then) new Air Madagascar livery. After a severe political crises in 2002, which brought the national airline of Madagascar close to bankruptcy, Lufthansa Consulting helped Air Madagascar to get "back on track". This attractive livery was part of the re-branding.
Registration / Serial:5R-MFH
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-3Q8
C/n (msn):26305 / 2651
Operator Titles:Air Madagascar
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:514039Submit Correction
View count: 166
For almost 21 years, this 1994 built B737-300 flew for Air Madagascar, before it joined the fleet of Trans Air Congo as TN-MAN in May of 2015. The airframe is reported to be stored in Amman (Jordan) since March 2019. It is seen here during better days, taxying out for it's first commercial flight in the (then) new Air Madagascar livery. After a severe political crises in 2002, which brought the national airline of Madagascar close to bankruptcy, Lufthansa Consulting helped Air Madagascar to get "back on track". This attractive livery was part of the re-branding.
Registration / Serial:5R-MFH
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-3Q8
C/n (msn):26305 / 2651
Operator Titles:Air Madagascar
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:448775Submit Correction
View count: 694
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:448775Submit Correction
View count: 694
Registration / Serial:5R-MVF
Aircraft Version:Mil Mi-8S
C/n (msn):105107
Operator Titles:(SONAVAM)
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:April 2005
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Registration / Serial:UR-76687
Aircraft Original Type:Ilyushin Il-76
Aircraft Generic Type:Ilyushin Il-76/78/82
Aircraft Version:Ilyushin Il-76TD
C/n (msn):0063469051
Operator Titles:Volare Aircompany
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:5 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:444443Submit Correction
View count: 212
This 1986 built IL-76 first saw service with the Soviet AF, then with the Ukraine AF before Volare Aircompany bought it in December of 1997. It was one of four IL-76 each bringing a SAAF Oryx helicopter for relief work to Madagascar, after Cyclone Gafilo hit the island severely in March 2004. It is seen here - loaded with an Oryx - departing TNR and heading back to South Africa.
Registration / Serial:UR-76687
Aircraft Version:Ilyushin Il-76TD
C/n (msn):0063469051
Operator Titles:Volare Aircompany
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:5 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:UR-76687
Aircraft Original Type:Ilyushin Il-76
Aircraft Generic Type:Ilyushin Il-76/78/82
Aircraft Version:Ilyushin Il-76TD
C/n (msn):0063469051
Operator Titles:Volare Aircompany
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:5 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:444443Submit Correction
View count: 212
This 1986 built IL-76 first saw service with the Soviet AF, then with the Ukraine AF before Volare Aircompany bought it in December of 1997. It was one of four IL-76 each bringing a SAAF Oryx helicopter for relief work to Madagascar, after Cyclone Gafilo hit the island severely in March 2004. It is seen here - loaded with an Oryx - departing TNR and heading back to South Africa.
Registration / Serial:UR-76687
Aircraft Version:Ilyushin Il-76TD
C/n (msn):0063469051
Operator Titles:Volare Aircompany
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:5 April 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:S7-SMB
Aircraft Original Type:Beech 200 Super King Air
Aircraft Generic Type:Beechcraft 200/250 King Air
Aircraft Version:Beechcraft B200 King Air
C/n (msn):BB-1316
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:444442Submit Correction
View count: 255
This King Air has been operated by the "Seychelles Marketing Board", hence the registration S7-SMB. It was frequently visiting Madagascar and was sold to South Africa in December of 2009, becoming ZS-ZOO.
Registration / Serial:S7-SMB
Aircraft Version:Beechcraft B200 King Air
C/n (msn):BB-1316
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:S7-SMB
Aircraft Original Type:Beech 200 Super King Air
Aircraft Generic Type:Beechcraft 200/250 King Air
Aircraft Version:Beechcraft B200 King Air
C/n (msn):BB-1316
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:444442Submit Correction
View count: 255
This King Air has been operated by the "Seychelles Marketing Board", hence the registration S7-SMB. It was frequently visiting Madagascar and was sold to South Africa in December of 2009, becoming ZS-ZOO.
Registration / Serial:S7-SMB
Aircraft Version:Beechcraft B200 King Air
C/n (msn):BB-1316
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:11 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:418751Submit Correction
View count: 141
This B737 was the only dash 500 with La Reunion based Air Austral. In November of 1990, it was delivered new to Europe Aero Service as F-GHXN but joined the Air Austral fleet already a month later (December 19, 1990). As such, it was a frequent visitor to Madagascar's capital Antananarivo, and the picture shown here was shot from the control tower, exposing the typical rice fields in the background. Withdrawn from use in 2011 and scrapped in October 2012.
Registration / Serial:F-ODZJ
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-53A
C/n (msn):24877 / 1943
Operator Titles:Air Austral
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:11 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:11 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:418751Submit Correction
View count: 141
This B737 was the only dash 500 with La Reunion based Air Austral. In November of 1990, it was delivered new to Europe Aero Service as F-GHXN but joined the Air Austral fleet already a month later (December 19, 1990). As such, it was a frequent visitor to Madagascar's capital Antananarivo, and the picture shown here was shot from the control tower, exposing the typical rice fields in the background. Withdrawn from use in 2011 and scrapped in October 2012.
Registration / Serial:F-ODZJ
Aircraft Version:Boeing 737-53A
C/n (msn):24877 / 1943
Operator Titles:Air Austral
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:11 March 2010
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MQB
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 337 Super Skymaster
Aircraft Generic Type:Reims F337 Super Skymaster/Milirole
Aircraft Version:Reims F337E Super Skymaster
C/n (msn):F33700035 / 33701365
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:July 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:393943Submit Correction
View count: 918
Registration / Serial:5R-MQB
Aircraft Version:Reims F337E Super Skymaster
C/n (msn):F33700035 / 33701365
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:July 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MQB
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 337 Super Skymaster
Aircraft Generic Type:Reims F337 Super Skymaster/Milirole
Aircraft Version:Reims F337E Super Skymaster
C/n (msn):F33700035 / 33701365
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:July 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:393943Submit Correction
View count: 918
Registration / Serial:5R-MQB
Aircraft Version:Reims F337E Super Skymaster
C/n (msn):F33700035 / 33701365
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:July 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MNL
Aircraft Original Type:Morane-Saulnier Rallye
Aircraft Generic Type:Morane-Saulnier Rallye
Aircraft Version:Morane-Saulnier MS-885 Super Rallye
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:30 June 2005
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:379788Submit Correction
View count: 739
It took me 3 years to get permission to photograph this sole Madagascar AF Super Rallye, about the history of which I was not able to find much despite a big research effort (so any information would be appreciated). Also, I have never seen it flying between 2002 and 2005 (when I stayed in Madagascar), even though the batch behind the cockpit says "Sécurisation", revealing the aircraft's main role would be restoring law and order, mainly by fighting "cow chiefs", a common and huge problem in remote places of Madagascar. Fate of this airframe is unknown.
Registration / Serial:5R-MNL
Aircraft Version:Morane-Saulnier MS-885 Super Rallye
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:30 June 2005
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MNL
Aircraft Original Type:Morane-Saulnier Rallye
Aircraft Generic Type:Morane-Saulnier Rallye
Aircraft Version:Morane-Saulnier MS-885 Super Rallye
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:30 June 2005
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:379788Submit Correction
View count: 739
It took me 3 years to get permission to photograph this sole Madagascar AF Super Rallye, about the history of which I was not able to find much despite a big research effort (so any information would be appreciated). Also, I have never seen it flying between 2002 and 2005 (when I stayed in Madagascar), even though the batch behind the cockpit says "Sécurisation", revealing the aircraft's main role would be restoring law and order, mainly by fighting "cow chiefs", a common and huge problem in remote places of Madagascar. Fate of this airframe is unknown.
Registration / Serial:5R-MNL
Aircraft Version:Morane-Saulnier MS-885 Super Rallye
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:30 June 2005
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MHK
Aircraft Original Type:Aerospatiale SN-600 Corvette
Aircraft Generic Type:Aerospatiale SN-600/601 Corvette
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale SN-601 Corvette 100
C/n (msn):34
Operator Titles:Trimeta
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:379155Submit Correction
View count: 356
This 1977 built Corvette has been re-registered a few times. It started in France with test registration F-WNGS before becoming F-BYCR. Then between June 1982 and March 1983 in Denmark as OY-ARB (in full "Sterling" colors), from where it went to Sweden as SE-DEE. It became F-GKGD (with "Gallic" titles) on October 29, 1991, went on to Morocco in August of 1998 (becoming CN-TCS) before making it to Madagascar in September 2001. It has been stored in Toulouse/Blagnac since 2005, probably broken up by now.
Registration / Serial:5R-MHK
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale SN-601 Corvette 100
C/n (msn):34
Operator Titles:Trimeta
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MHK
Aircraft Original Type:Aerospatiale SN-600 Corvette
Aircraft Generic Type:Aerospatiale SN-600/601 Corvette
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale SN-601 Corvette 100
C/n (msn):34
Operator Titles:Trimeta
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Photo ID:379155Submit Correction
View count: 356
This 1977 built Corvette has been re-registered a few times. It started in France with test registration F-WNGS before becoming F-BYCR. Then between June 1982 and March 1983 in Denmark as OY-ARB (in full "Sterling" colors), from where it went to Sweden as SE-DEE. It became F-GKGD (with "Gallic" titles) on October 29, 1991, went on to Morocco in August of 1998 (becoming CN-TCS) before making it to Madagascar in September 2001. It has been stored in Toulouse/Blagnac since 2005, probably broken up by now.
Registration / Serial:5R-MHK
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale SN-601 Corvette 100
C/n (msn):34
Operator Titles:Trimeta
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:1 June 2004
Photo by:Adrian RomangContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MSA
Aircraft Original Type:Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
Aircraft Generic Type:Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander/Defender
Aircraft Version:Britten-Norman BN-2A-21 Islander
C/n (msn):382
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:August 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:374933Submit Correction
View count: 1224
Registration / Serial:5R-MSA
Aircraft Version:Britten-Norman BN-2A-21 Islander
C/n (msn):382
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:August 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Registration / Serial:5R-MSA
Aircraft Original Type:Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
Aircraft Generic Type:Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander/Defender
Aircraft Version:Britten-Norman BN-2A-21 Islander
C/n (msn):382
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:August 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact
Photo ID:374933Submit Correction
View count: 1224
Registration / Serial:5R-MSA
Aircraft Version:Britten-Norman BN-2A-21 Islander
C/n (msn):382
Operator Titles:Madagascar - Air Force
City / Airport:Antananarivo - Ivato (FMMI / TNR)Map
Photo Date:August 1992
Photo from:Dick Lohuis CollectionContact