4 results found
Registration / Serial:VH-BGC
Alternate Serial:A17-54
Aircraft Original Type:De Havilland D.H. 82 Tiger Moth
Aircraft Generic Type:De Havilland D.H. 82 Tiger Moth
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 82A Tiger Moth
Licence-built by:De Havilland Australia
C/n (msn):DHA54
Display Paint:Australia - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:45219Submit Correction
View count: 165
Built in 1942 for the RAAF and allocated the serial A17-57 (not -54 as marked today). Civilianised and registered as VH-BGC on 5 November 1947, it was withdrawn from use in April 1962. Resuming its original civil registration recently post restoration. Seen here at the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's Spring Fly-in.
Registration / Serial:VH-BGC
Alternate Serial:A17-54
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 82A Tiger Moth
C/n (msn):DHA54
Display Paint:Australia - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Registration / Serial:VH-BGC
Alternate Serial:A17-54
Aircraft Original Type:De Havilland D.H. 82 Tiger Moth
Aircraft Generic Type:De Havilland D.H. 82 Tiger Moth
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 82A Tiger Moth
Licence-built by:De Havilland Australia
C/n (msn):DHA54
Display Paint:Australia - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:45219Submit Correction
View count: 165
Built in 1942 for the RAAF and allocated the serial A17-57 (not -54 as marked today). Civilianised and registered as VH-BGC on 5 November 1947, it was withdrawn from use in April 1962. Resuming its original civil registration recently post restoration. Seen here at the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's Spring Fly-in.
Registration / Serial:VH-BGC
Alternate Serial:A17-54
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 82A Tiger Moth
C/n (msn):DHA54
Display Paint:Australia - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Original Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Generic Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:25 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:44447Submit Correction
View count: 170
This lovely Hornet Moth was added to the UK Register pre-war as G-AEZG but was impressed into the RAF during the war as BK830. A survivor, it resumed its identity as G-AEZG until being exported to Australia where it became VH-UXY(2) on 27 July 1979. Seen here arriving at the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's Spring Fly-in.
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:25 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Original Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Generic Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:25 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:44447Submit Correction
View count: 170
This lovely Hornet Moth was added to the UK Register pre-war as G-AEZG but was impressed into the RAF during the war as BK830. A survivor, it resumed its identity as G-AEZG until being exported to Australia where it became VH-UXY(2) on 27 July 1979. Seen here arriving at the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's Spring Fly-in.
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:25 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Registration / Serial:VH-TXN
Alternate Serial:AJ845
Aircraft Original Type:North American BC-1
Aircraft Generic Type:North American T-6/SNJ Texan/Harvard
Aircraft Version:North American Sk16A
Licence-built by:Noorduyn
C/n (msn):14A-1106
Display Paint:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:43353Submit Correction
View count: 258
Note the British-style control column and instrument panel in this Canadian-built Harvard.
Registration / Serial:VH-TXN
Alternate Serial:AJ845
Aircraft Version:North American Sk16A
C/n (msn):14A-1106
Display Paint:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Registration / Serial:VH-TXN
Alternate Serial:AJ845
Aircraft Original Type:North American BC-1
Aircraft Generic Type:North American T-6/SNJ Texan/Harvard
Aircraft Version:North American Sk16A
Licence-built by:Noorduyn
C/n (msn):14A-1106
Display Paint:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:43353Submit Correction
View count: 258
Note the British-style control column and instrument panel in this Canadian-built Harvard.
Registration / Serial:VH-TXN
Alternate Serial:AJ845
Aircraft Version:North American Sk16A
C/n (msn):14A-1106
Display Paint:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Original Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Generic Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:40347Submit Correction
View count: 165
Facinating cockpit of this Hornet Moth, complete with original 1930s leather upholstery. Note the unique air brake lever on the left hand side of the lower instrument panel - this caused the undercarriage leg fairings to rotate 90 degrees to the airflow. Very clever!
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Original Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Generic Type:De Havilland D.H. 87 Hornet Moth
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Spring Fly-in 2015
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:40347Submit Correction
View count: 165
Facinating cockpit of this Hornet Moth, complete with original 1930s leather upholstery. Note the unique air brake lever on the left hand side of the lower instrument panel - this caused the undercarriage leg fairings to rotate 90 degrees to the airflow. Very clever!
Registration / Serial:VH-UXY
Aircraft Version:De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
C/n (msn):8131
City / Airport:Cowra (YCWR / CWT)Map
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:26 September 2015
Photo by:Phil VabreContact