Aircraft Photo of CF-SIJ | Beech Expeditor 3T | Millardair | #457397
City / Airport:Toronto - Lester B Pearson InternationalMap
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Airport Codes:ICAO: CYYZ   IATA: YYZ   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:8 August 1971
Photo by:Gary Vincent
Photo ID: 457397
Photo Comment

Former Royal Canadian Air Force wartime Expiditor flew with Millardair from 1969 until the carrier's bankruptcy in 1990. Exported to the USA in 1992 the aircraft became N40JT, but not without a fight. Modified to an Expiditor Mk 3T circa 1952, this model was not eligible for US certification. The registration was approved after the aircraft "assumed" the identity of Beech 18 Mk 3TM cn A-728 / CCA-128 for the USCAR in 1993. It's still current on the US Registry at the time of uploading.

This photo is copyright © Gary Vincent, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 1 May 2022, and has since been viewed 295 times.

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