27 Dec '44: TOS USAAF as 44-30243. 4/46: Converted to TB-25J. 3/51: Converted to CB-25J. 4/54: Converted to TB-25N. 12/57: Sent for storage at Davis-Monthan AFB. 4/58: SOC. 4/58: Registered N9622C. 2nd owner had it converted for spraying. Passed through several owners. 2/67: Registered N17666. 1971: Victory Air Museum, Munelein, IL. 1991: Daryl Greenameyer, Ocala, FL. 1992: Restored for static display; painted and marked as a PBJ. 1992: Donated to USMC. 1995: National B-25 Preservation Group and painted as a Doolittle raider. 2001: Pendleton Air Museum, Oregon National Guard.