Aircraft Photo of N5903 | Douglas DC-7C/AT | #617509
City / Airport:Everett - Snohomish County / Paine FieldMap
Region / Country:Washington, United States
Airport Codes:ICAO: KPAE   IATA: PAE   Local: PAE   Other: -
Photo Date:August 1982
Photo by:Gary Vincent
Photo ID: 617509
Photo Comment

Delivered to Braniff in November 1956, N5903 was bought by Club America Travel Club in November 1969. Put to work by T & G Aviation in 1976, the aircraft is pictured undergoing regular maintence standing by for the 1982 fire season in Washington state. The aircraft was lost on October 9, 1986 at Dakar, Senegal. Taking off to spray for locusts, a fire warning for number 4 engine came on. Shutting the engine down and feathering the propeller, the aircraft lost altitude and ditched in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast.

This photo is copyright © Gary Vincent, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 5 November 2023, and has since been viewed 235 times.

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