TC-JBU left and TC-JBT right WFU and stored at Stansted. (TC-JBU) - Delivered new to Pan Am as N412PA on 21 May 1965. To THY as TC-JBU on 19 Jun 1978. Retired and stored at STN on 21 Feb 1985. To ATASCO as N5517Z Dec 1985 and flown to Davis Monthan AFB as part of the KC-135 re-engining programme. Scrapped. (TC-JBT) - Delivered new to Pan Am as N405PA on 10 Mar 1965. To THY as TC-JBT on 23 Jun 1978. Retired and stored at STN on 21 Feb 1985. To ATASCO as N5519U 19 Nov 1985 and flown to Davis Monthan AFB as part of the KC-135 re-engining programme. Scrapped.